With its announcement on 30.1.2024 the company Horse Races S.A announces the cessation of the organization and conduct of Greek horse races, with effect from 30 January 2024.
This means that all animals and humans living in the establishement should leave.
In the announcement "Developments regarding Greek horse racing", a series of protection measures for workers are mentioned, as well as a reference to the well-being of the horses stabled at the Markopoulos facilities. They give one month in advance and then what will happen to those horses? what about the Vet Clinic? where the emergencies will be transferred?
With our urgent letter to the company Horse Races S.A, the Jockey Club of Greece and the competent Regional Unit of Agricultural Economy and Veterinary Medicine,
we express our strongest concern for the welfare and traceability of the horse racetracks that will be removed from the Markopoulos facilities.
It's not the horses’ fault if business plans didn't work out.
#ippothesis_equine_welfare #HelpuSavEquines #dontbesilentintheirabuse #betheirvoice #support #animalsrights