Another difficult year approaches its end and we would like to thank all our supporters for giving us the strength to go on against all odds.
√ Following our written complaints at the competent European Committee our big success for 2022 is the implementation in our country of EU regulation regarding equine registration and identification. This is not the end since all control mechanisms in Greece are poor. We will be there to collaborate with the authorities providing all info on equine traceability. The “back yard breeding and abuse” must end.
√ We rescued four more equines and we support as much as we can through vets and purchase of hay those in need. Unfortunately, the adoption of rescued equines is not an option in Greece since illegal breeding and online sales are not forbidden. Monthly we cannot exceed the number of ten equines since we don’t have money to save more.
√ A private sanctuary without funding is not a possibility and this year we had to move to another stable establishment. We have more space and warehouse so as to be able to buy hay while prices are affordable. All this can be achieved through your kind donations since our association never receives any state or private funding. The expenses of removal jeopardized the viability of our association.
√ We filed another 15 written complaints on equine abuse and neglect cases and we managed to sentenced the abuser of the malnourished animals in Asporpyrgos area, a case on hold since 2016.
√ In cooperation with PETA DE, the actress and vegan activist Tania Tripi, the organization A promise to Animals, we organized a demonstration for the protection of working equines.
√ A new complaint against Greek authorities has been filed at the EU committee for not declaring equine infectious diseases at the Animal Disease Information System (ADIS) as they should as a member state.
√ As being members of Eurogroup for animals and World Federation for Animals we participated in every European and global campaign regarding the promotion of animal welfare.
√ Our participation on public consultations regarding bills which affect animal welfare is constant. Our last contribution was the commentary on the consultation on the Police of the Municipalities, to reassure that the obligations towards cases of abuse and abandonment in each Municipality will be included.
√ Our petition on the protection of equines has reached more than 7.000 signatures and it is still going on We submit proposals and questions to the competent ministries and also through the Vouliwatch platform